We are the Japan Karate Association (JKA) Australia Inc. (“JKA Australia” or “JKAA”) – a not-for-profit organisation with the aim of promoting traditional JKA shotokan-style karate throughout Australia. We have several branches throughout Australia which are run by instructors who are highly dedicated and passionate about Karate.

All our instructors are certified by JKA Headquarters based in Tokyo, Japan. The standards taught are of the highest level in keeping with the technical requirements set by the JKA Headquarters.

Our goal is to maintain these standards, to grow and to help all our students achieve their personal goals and aspirations.

Karate fosters the development of spiritual qualities: courage, courtesy, integrity, humility and self-control.


UPCOMING EVENT: JKA Australia National Seminar with Izumiya Shihan & Ueda Sensei

UPCOMING EVENT: JKA Australia National Seminar with Izumiya Shihan & Ueda Sensei

JKA Australia National Seminar with Izumiya Shihan & Ueda Sensei We are delighted to announce the upcoming JKA Australia National…

ANNOUCEMENT: Dan Grading Result – Beverley Cook Sensei

ANNOUCEMENT: Dan Grading Result – Beverley Cook Sensei

Dan Grading Result Beverley Cook Sensei Congratulations to Beverley Cook Sensei from Shepparton dojo for her recent success in being…

EVENT UPDATE: 1st Round Victorian Junior League Competition 2023

EVENT UPDATE: 1st Round Victorian Junior League Competition 2023

Victorian Junior League Competition 1st Round | April 2023 The 1st round of the Victoria Junior League Competition was held…

UPCOMING EVENT: JKAA National Seminars with Ueda Sensei

UPCOMING EVENT: JKAA National Seminars with Ueda Sensei

JKA Australia | National Seminar with Ueda Sensei We are very excited to announce that Ueda Daisuke Sensei will be…

EVENT UPDATE: Sunshine Coast Spring Seminar 2022

EVENT UPDATE: Sunshine Coast Spring Seminar 2022

Sunshine Coast Spring Seminar 2022 The JKA Australia 2022 Spring Seminar was held at the Sunshine Coast on 18th to…

New Branch Locations and Updates

New Branch Locations and Updates

New Branch Locations and Updates We are excited to announce the following updates regarding changes to some of our branches:…


Improved Health and Fitness

Karate training is a great way to improve your overall health and fitness. It is a high-aerobic activity which tests and improves your coordination, endurance, balance, flexibility and strength. Karate training is very adaptable and suitable for everyone of all ages and physical abilities; and it can be practiced without the use of any equipment.

Character and Mental Development

Through training, karate can held in building on one’s character and mental attributes. Karate immensely helps in building on your self-esteem, confidence and concentration. It also greatly contributes to instilling respect, self-discipline and mental toughness.

Our ‘Dojo Kun’ is recited regularly in our classes. The Dojo Kun is a set of five guiding ethical principles which aims to remind students of the right attitude, frame of mind and virtues to strive for, both within the and outside the dojo.

Membership with one of the World’s Leading Karate Organisations

JKA Australia is a member of the Japan Karate Association (JKA). JKA is one of the largest and prestigious karate organisations in the world, and its headquarters is located in Tokyo, Japan. As a member of JKA Australia, you will automatically become part of an internationally distinguished karate organisation.

Access to Qualified Instructors

Our instructors are accredited by JKA and teach based on the high standard set by the late Nishimura Takaatsu Shihan (JKAA founder and former Chief Instructor) and our JKA headquarters in Tokyo, Japan. We maintain regular and constant communication with the JKA headquarters to ensure that the level and quality of our instructors’ teachings are up-to-date and of a high standard.

Our instructors are also required to hold first aid qualifications and Working With Children checks.

National Insurance Coverage

As a member of JKA Australia, you will have access to a national insurance coverage to provide you with peace of mind when training. Having said this, our qualified instructors are very aware and capable of tailoring karate training in order to suit students of varying ages and physical abilities, to allow you to train hard and meet your personal goals in a safe manner.


JKA Australia branches can be found in various locations spread across Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia and Queensland.